I miss the TV show Journeyman...
"Journeyman's Opening Credits"
I was watching the show "Grey's Anatomy" for the very first time ever with a friend of mine, and I saw that one of the stars: Kevin McKidd on that show, and I felt nostalgic for the short-lived NBC drama.
The show featured McKidd, as Dan Vasser. A Reporter for the San Francisco Register, who for some strange reason, starts to "jump" into the past for varied amounts of time, and gets placed into events into other peoples lives, and makes small alterations to their timeline, in order to fix some sort of error/event in their lives.
The plot itself seems to be somewhat reminiscent of "Quantum Leap", but with a number of differences, one, that the show only takes place in San Francisco, and two, that Dan does not "Leap" into the lives of other people, but appears as himself.
I really enjoyed the show itself, from the very first episode. For some reason, I really enjoy the time-travel concept. You look at all of the many favorite shoes/movies of mine, it always has some element of Time Travel. I wonder why that is. Just look at a short list of my favorite shows/movies which feature Time Travel: "Back to the Future", "Doctor Who", "Quantum Leap" and "Heroes".
"A Short Feature on Journeyman"
It's a real shame that the show never really lasted. It was, one of many shows that was a victim of last season's "Writer's Strike", and as a result, the show only lasted for the initial run of 13 episodes. Fortunately enough, the show was able to at least tie up all of the loose ends/questions that were asked throughout the show's run, so at least the show was able to effectively "end", but I was still upset that the strike basically put the show into cancellation.
I certainly hope that at some point, the show makes its way to DVD. I feel that if the show could've got more exposure, and perhaps more marketing/advertising, the show could have made a great continuing series. Especially since it followed my favorite Monday night show: "Heroes".
"Someone's homemade Youtube Tribute to Journeyman"
So I guess the point that I am trying to make is, that I miss Journeyman!
But that's just my opinion... What do I know???
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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