Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Tussle Nerdy To Me" Evoking Emotions Through Video Packages

Well continuing on with the TNTM 2.0 festivities, I am going to comment on the WWE's ability to evoke emotion with their video packages.

Let's call this one "Tussle Nerdy To Me"

I'm currently watching WWE Superstars on WGN America (Thank you, Digital Cable) and the beginning of the show, aired a video tribute to Captain Lou Albano, who undoubtedly was the greatest manager of Tag Teams of all time.

And like all of the video tributes, I managed to get a little choked up.

The people who produce their video are such top-notch editors, because they always seem to bring the best out of their footage to convey the right emotions.

You can laugh at me all you want, but as fans, we do develop an emotional link to the people that we cheer and jeer for.

I remember when Ray Traylor died. (The Big Boss Man) and I had heard about it. I remember getting very emotional about it. I never met the man. I never knew him on a personal level, but I knew how good of a man that he was. Even when he was "The Heel", he was one of those guys I just liked.

I remember reading in WWE/WWF magazine (I am sure it was WWF still) about all of the charitable work that he did in his home of Cobb County, GA. I always liked reading about stuff like that, because you saw that the people who busted their asses on TV, and on the road 300+ days a year had a human side to them.

Getting back the Captian Lou. I have to admit that I was a fan of his as a kid. Who wasn't? He was one of the most charismatic individuals that the company had. You always hear the terms "One of a Kind" or "Never will be another like them" well that sums up Captain Lou to a "T".

I remember Mick Foley saying something about wrestling fans being fickle, and that to be remembered at all by the fans is a lot. Well I don't know any wrestling fan that can ever forget the Captain.

He lived a great life, and I'm sure he's managing tag teams for the Big Promoter in the sky.

I wish that Youtube had a link to the video package for me to embed/link on here, but the WWE can never allow stuff like that online.

Slam ya later,

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